Corporate Mission Statement

We are

Our goal is to create a place where work and life fit together perfectly. For us, this means that work is oriented around life, not the other way around. This place is characterized by a clear value system, allowing everyone to develop freely. Only this way can we make the digital world a little safer every day.

We're here to make
a change in the world.

We make the digital world a secure place. No one has the right to exploit advancing digital connectivity for their own gain at the expense of others. Neither today nor in the future.

Strong Values
Our Guiding Principles

To realize our mission and our goals, it's important that we pull together as a team. For this, we orient ourselves according to our mission statement, at whose center clearly stands partnership-based action. We invest unconditional trust and walk paths together – regardless of the relationship: whether employees, manufacturers, business partners, or service providers.




Account Executive